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Ministr práce a sociálních věcí Petr Nečas po pondělním mimořádném jednání tripartity oznámil, že Zákoník práce vstoupí s největší pravděpodobností v platnost k 1. lednu 2007 i s chybami, které jsou v něm obsaženy. Odbory odmítly odložit jeho zavedení od 1. dubna 2007, přestože během odkladu by chyby mohly být odstraněny.


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Law Office Mgr. Ing. Josef Sikula offers a complex law services in the whole territory of the Czech Republic.
Advisory system is above all based on a long term cooperation susceptible more improve the quality of consultancy in accordance with superior mutual cognition of consultant and his client. 
A promptitude of fiduciary duties solving along with complying with all clients requierements is the maximal accentuated at the rendition of every law services. Firs-hand and intensive contact with all clients is obvious.
The regular functions of feed-back to each of clients is a fundamental principle of the offices functioning. Based upon the working feed-back only the clients wishes and needs can be more intensively and profoundly meet, so that be able to practically achieve these in the most positive sense in the specific legal environment.
Template by Handel/Pfister GbR
(C) 2024 Advokátní kancelář Mgr. Ing. Josefa Šikuly
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